High Ercall Primary School


Supporting Inclusion

At High Ercall Primary School we provide all our pupils with a wide range of resources to enable a breadth of experience and accommodate all learning styles. Teaching is differentiated in class to meet wide ranging needs. Where children have additional support needs, these are sometimes met through the provision of specialist equipment and resources to enhance their participation and enable their learning.
Resources helpful to all our pupils include:
• A multi-sensory, differentiated curriculum
• Inclusive and accessible learning environment
• Well resourced classrooms
• Interactive whiteboards
• iPads
• PCs and laptops
• Cameras and Flip video recorders
• A wide range of books to provide visual resources
• Visual timetables
• On desk ‘help folders’
• Accessible outdoor learning environment
• Highly qualified teachers and teaching assistants to lead and support learning in all classes

Some pupils may access other resources and support:
• Individual timetables
• Pre-teaching to aid understanding and participation in class
• Wobble cushions
• Fidget toys/ stress balls
• Timers to aid transition between activities
• Specialist intervention programmes such as Precision Teaching, Toe by Toe, Speed Up writing programme, Teodorescu Write From The Start programme
• A range of educational toys and games for use during intervention sessions
• A selection of cool kids/brain gym equipment such as balance boards

We would always look to purchase resources to support a child with a specific need, and work closely with a range of additional services to gain their advice abut support for pupils. Our Learning Support Advisory Teacher (LSAT) and Educational Psychologist (EP) will make recommendations of support which we act upon and purchase resources as needed.

We also value staff training highly, to further equip staff with knowledge and skills to support children with a range of needs. This may be whole staff training with the EP - on Precision Teaching for example in 2022 - or online training from agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy team, or inhouse training and purchase of books / material to support.