High Ercall Primary School

How to Become a Governor



You don't have to have children at the school to be a governor. However, you do have to be over 18, and pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school. No specific qualifications are required but there are certain expectations. What's really important is that you have energy, enthusiasm, time and a real desire to help provide children with the best possible education. When a new governor is required, for example, we may put out a request for someone who has a specific skill or competence that will enhance the team.
Governors come from all sections of the community, and all walks of life. They can be parents, staff at the school, residents in the locality or representatives of local churches or businesses. It is important that you can work as part of a team, and can give commitment to the school.
There are usually, depending on the size of the school, between 9 - 20 people who make up the governing body. Advice, support and training for the role is given by Telford and Wrekin Council. Some governors are elected by parents, some are appointed by the governing body itself, the local authority and the local church. This ensures our governing body reflects the communities it serves.
If you are interested in becoming a school Governor, please contact the school office or follow the link to the Telford and Wrekin site here.