How will you manage my child’s transition to / from this school?
We liaise closely with High Ercall Day Nursery and Mrs Caton our Reception Teacher, visits the children at all our feeder pre-schools to meet them before they join our school. This gives the children an opportunity to meet her in a familiar setting. There are opportunities throughout the school year for children in Pre-school to take part in activities in school and use the school buildings, which helps them to become familiar with the school environment. Children join us from a range of other early years settings, and we liaise with all providers to ensure that we know as much about each child as possible prior to starting.
We arrange visits to school in the Summer, for all children before they join our school and children attend part time during their first week, gradually increasing the time spent here to ease them in to full time school attendance.
When children are preparing to leave High Ercall School; either to move to another primary school or to transfer to secondary school; we ensure that their new school is provided with all relevant data. Where necessary we will liaise with the new school regarding any needs or anticipated difficulties we feel your child may have in order to make their transition as smooth as possible.
How do you measure my child’s progress?
Children are assessed informally by their class teacher regularly through teaching and learning, in order to identify any difficulties they may be having at an early stage. Progress in reading, writing and maths is assessed and recorded each term, and tracked carefully against national expectations and individual progress. More formal assessments take place in the summer term and are used to set targets for your child’s progress.
Who should I contact if I am concerned about my child?
If you have any concerns about your child you can contact the school office at any time to request an appointment to see either their class teacher or the Headteacher, Mrs Roberts.
Will school inform me of any concerns they have about my child?
If your child is identified as having a particular difficulty with their learning, then we will set up a meeting with you to share concerns and discuss what action may be needed.
What experience/training do staff at this school have in working with children with SEND?
The SENDCo in school is the Headteacher, Mrs Sarah Roberts. She has over fifteen years experience as SENDCO. All class teachers are highly trained to support children with a wide range of needs. Teaching Assistants are highly experienced and trained to support children with medical, physical, behavioural and learning needs.
What training have staff had?
Examples of training courses include:
- Speech and Language courses such as: Contrastive Pairs, Speech articulation, Narrative
- Autism Lead Training - Sarah Roberts
- Supporting children with Autism - whole staff booked for November 2022
- Supporting children with Downs Syndrome
- Cool Kids - to support with occupational therapy needs
How will my child’s needs be met?
Depending on your child’s level of need we will use high quality teaching, targeted in class support and intervention sessions out of class. You can find more information in the “Identifying and responding to SEND” section.
How will teaching be adapted for my child with SEND?
At High Ercall Primary School we use a mixture of multisensory learning and differentiated teaching to make the curriculum accessible to all children. For some children with SEND we also use individually tailored timetables in order to best promote their inclusion and learning.
Who is responsible for my child’s needs?
Your child’s class teacher has day to day responsibility for your child’s welfare and learning. They will write and implement your child’s Individual Provision Map should they need one, and will direct Teaching Assistant support to best help your child. Mrs Roberts is the Headteacher and SENDCO with overall responsibility for ensuring that your child’s needs are met. She is also responsible for keeping you informed about the support your child is getting and for reviewing their progress.
Who will be my regular contact?
Your child’s class teacher will be your regular contact for matters regarding your child. You can contact the school office to arrange an appointment to see either your child’s class teacher or Mrs Roberts at any time.
What support can you provide to me as a parent of a child with SEND?
The Parent Partnership Service support parents in understanding their rights, and the structures and procedures available to support children at school. Leaflets are available in school about their service. The school can also help parents in accessing other support networks and agencies within Telford and Wrekin.